Photo by Davyd Bortnik from Pexels
If you are curious about the movement of snakes, admire their grace and cannot take your eyes off their bright colors, you should seriously consider acquiring this reptile. If you have any questions about their keeping, follow the link
- Nutrition
The advantage here is the need to feed it once a week, during periods of molting or hibernation even less often.
- Treating
Each snake has different comfort conditions. Ball pythons, for example, are less hardy than corn snakes, so the correct temperature in a terrarium is very important. It would be easier for you to choose now, Ball Python vs. Corn Snake, but here you still decide in appearance what you like best if you do not want to decide on the conditions of keeping.
- Safe for human or not
Snakes do not cause allergies – this is the biggest plus. Despite the bright and catchy appearance, almost all snakes sold today are not poisonous. You can pick them up, stroke them with your finger – the domestic snake will not attack.
- Attractive appearance
The main plus is the abundance of colors of snake scales attracts attention. From snow-white to incredibly colorful, bright and multi-colored. This makes domestic snakes attractive, even those who usually claim that they cannot stand snakes are drawn to terrariums with a bright pet.
- Availability
Such an exotic pet has long ceased to be a rarity. Now sites with ads are full of offers for the sale of home-breeding snakes. Relatively low price plays a positive role in the purchase decision.
If you follow the simple rules of keeping, the domestic snake will delight you with its appearance for many years. But even such an unpretentious pet will have to be periodically shown to the veterinarian.
Raising Ducks: Beautiful Landscaping and Birds There are those who will tell you that it is futile to try and grow anything in a yard that ducks have access to because ducks will trample and eat anything green. While that is true in theory, with a little patience and planning it is possible to create a beautifully landscaped yard for your ducks to roam. Just because your ducks live in an enclosed yard doesn’t mean that you can’t provide them …
The Scary Reason Why You Should Never, Ever Feed Bread To Ducks Feeding bread to ducks is a tradition that most people have partaken in at some point in their …
Mallard - Anas platyrhynchos Characteristics The mallard is about 20-28 inches in length and has a wingspan of about three feet. It has a blue patch on the top side …
DEEP: Wood Duck Fact Sheet Background:The wood duck is one of the most beautiful of the North American ducks. In the early 1900s, the species was considered in danger of …
The Nibble: Types Of Ducks A Pekin duck. It is believed that Donald Duck was modeled after a Pekin, as is the AFLAC mascot. Photo courtesy Marin Winter | Wikimedia …
By Amanda J. Kemp Spring brings the pitter-patter of little feet in the mud, games of tag, and raucous quacks. While traditional advice would have you with a yard full …
Water Celery - A non-native but beneficial plant Water celery is not native to Washington, but it does not tend to crowd out native vegetation or take over our lakes …
Distraught owner watches as funeral for his pet goldfish is gate-crashed by a hungry duck who EATS the animal Arran Uzsoy shared a video on Snapchat after realising his pet …
Treat Your Ducks Backyard ducks can eat a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and meat or fish in addition to their layer feed. A varied diet of …
Healthy Treats for Backyard Ducks Although ducks enjoy many of the same treats as chickens, over the years I have watched to see the foods that seem to be their …
Care and Feeding of Pet Ducks Domesticated ducks are derived from wild mallards (Anas platyrhynchos -type) and Muscovy ducks (Cairina-type). Some breeds are specifically designed for egg production, others for …
What Do Ducks Eat? Ducks are omnivorous birds that will eat a wide variety of foods, and a varied diet provides good nutrition for healthy duckling growth, feather strength, muscle …
Feeding Ducks, Geese and Other Waterfowl Can Be Harmful to Their Excited ducks and geese gather around as someone tosses tidbits of food on the ground or in the water. …
Wood Duck Information, Photos, Artwork, and Facts The wood duck is one of only a few American ducks that can perch and nest in trees. They will also use man-made …
Is it harmful to feed ducks/geese/birds old or moldy bread? Yes. Feeding old and moldy bread is harmful. Feeding any kind of processed human food is harmful. Wildlife should not …
Incubating and Hatching Duck Eggs The incubation and hatching of duck and goose eggs is not a difficult experience and can be very rewarding. Besides the information below, there is …
how to feed ducks article by Ducks all over the planet like birdseed. They like it when people give them free birdseed. They don't like how many of you …
nest, ducks This is one of many common questions we receive every year. However, to some extent, each situation is unique and different. Often, you will need to take the …
What to feed Ducks, Geese and Swans (and what not) Swans, Geese and Ducks in our neighborhood pond ... People are generally delighted to have these birds move into their …
Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs: What's the Difference Here on our homestead we raise both chickens and ducks. Almost everyone is familiar with chicken eggs, but what about duck eggs? …
Metzer Farms Candling is an old term that means the application of bright light to an egg to see what is inside. Originally it was done by using candles in …
The Right Stuff: What to Feed Your Ducks Due to limited demand, you may not find duck feed at a local farm store, but you can buy it online ( …
Abandoned Duck Nest Best Answer Leave them. Ducks do and must get off of their nests a lot. If it's been over 21 days, then likely the eggs are bad …
Lazy Acres Market Lazy Acres is proud to bring its customers a new product to the egg category – Mary’s Free Range Duck Eggs from Pitman Farms. Duck eggs happen …
6 Duck Breeds to Raise for Eggs Many people’s knowledge of duck breeds barely extends beyond Mallards, Pekins and Daffy Duck, though there are many, many more. Like chickens, some …
So what do I feed a pet duck anyway? You’re the proud caretaker of a new duck, and you face one of the most basic questions of pet ownership. What …
Getting to the Root of It Autumn is the season for root vegetables. I love growing things underground because they are the one crop the rabbits don't eat from our …
Killer Ducks Seen Eating Other Birds For The First Time This is truly daffy. For what experts say is the first time in history, wild mallard duck have been seen …
Mallard Ducks in your Pond Mama duck brings here babies to Cool Ponds for a visit. In early spring, we start receiving calls about Mallard ducks. As they begin to …